React useDebounce hook

Debounces the given value.

  • Create a custom hook that takes a value and a delay.
  • Use the useState() hook to store the debounced value.
  • Use the useEffect() hook to update the debounced value every time value is updated.
  • Use setTimeout() to create a timeout that delays invoking the setter of the previous state variable by delay ms.
  • Use clearTimeout() to clean up when dismounting the component.
  • This is particularly useful when dealing with user input.
const useDebounce = (value, delay) => {
  const [debouncedValue, setDebouncedValue] = React.useState(value);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const handler = setTimeout(() => {
    }, delay);

    return () => {
  }, [value]);

  return debouncedValue;
const Counter = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0);
  const lastValue = useDebounce(value, 500);

  return (
        Current: {value} - Debounced: {lastValue}
      <button onClick={() => setValue(value + 1)}>Increment</button>

ReactDOM.render(<Counter />, document.getElementById('root'));